The island of Farallon de Pajaros (aka Uracus), is the northernmost island in the Mariana Archipelago. It is also considered the most volcanically active. Although, the last major eruption was recorded in 1967, undersea vents and the nearby Makhahnas seamount are still reportedly active. Its steep slopes are stark, but populated by thriving seabird communities, which nest on the platforms created by past lava flows.

Underwater, the relatively young reef ecosystem is populated by scattered coral colonies. In some areas, the corals are attached to boulders surrounded by black sand, but in others they are attached directly on the dark volcanic rock substrate along steep walls. While the reef here is not as well developed as others in the chain, the fish population here was surprisingly robust and interesting. (Photo: R. Schroeder)
The Fish Team was able to document two important findings at this island: the continued presence of the endemic yellow-crowned butterflyfish, Chaetodon flavocoronatus, first noted during the 2007 MARAMP, and a species of fish previously not recorded in the Marianas, the saddleback hogfish
(Bodianus bilunulatus).

Yellow-crowned butterflyfish (Chaetodon flavocoronatus) Photo: M. Nadon

Black Jack (Caranx lugubris) Photo: V. Brown

White-tip Reef Shark (Triaenodon obesus) Photo: M. Ferguson
Those were not the only interesting finds of the day, because every REA site provided close encounters with curious large predators from friendly black jacks, Caranx lugubris, to more intimidating great barracuda
(Sphyraena barracuda), white-tip reef sharks
(Triaenodon obesus), and gray reef sharks
(Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos).

Great barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda) Photo: V. Brown
But clearly, the highlight of our day had to be the entertainment we received during our safety stop, as we were visited by a school of more than a hundred Spadefish, also known as Batfish, or Platax teira to the scientists on the Fish Team. These beautiful, somewhat goofy fish surrounded us as we floated at fifteen feet. They swam in circles around us, first one way, then another, boldly approaching close enough to stare into our eyes, almost close enough to touch. Their antics amused and delighted us, bringing a bright ray of light into an otherwise cloudy, overcast day. The evening was spent sharing pictures and stories of our encounters. It was definitely a memorable experience for both the Oceanography and REA teams who encountered these gregarious fish.

Spadefish (Platax teira) Photo: M. Ferguson

Spadefish School Photo: R. Schroeder

Thanks for Visiting! Photo: V. Brown
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